Prayer Updates

June 11, 2012

Update concerning Leonard Watson:

We want you to be aware of a serious health issue concerning Mr. Leonard Watson. Mr. Watson has been in the hospital since last Monday, June 4th. He has been weakened with pneumonia and is not responding well to treatment. Further testing today revealed that Mr. Watson has a mass on one of his lungs which has been diagnosed as lung cancer. We ask that you daily remember Mr. Watson and his wife Shirley in your prayers.

Thank You


June 7, 2012

Update concerning Jennie Tremble:

Jennie Tremble needs your prayers. Earlier today she underwent a procedure to remove fluid from her lungs. The procedure was very painful and difficult to bear. It was thought that she would need to have her lungs drained again the following day but there was enough improvement that she didn’t have to have the painful procedure again.   Please continue to pray for Jennie…there is a growth (cancer) in her right lung. Also pray for ease of pain.

Thank You

The Tremble Family